Welcome to Kith and Kink 10: Space Oddity

March 29th - 31st in Princeton, NJ

Theme: Space

Tickets & Hotel

We have two tiers of ticketing, one is for just the event, the second is the VIP tier which includes entry to event and admission to the themed drink on Saturday night. We ask that if you enjoy our events and can afford to chip in a little more, to choose this option. Rewards include voting in our stretch goals, and a event-themed button!

Our Hotel is located at Sonesta Suites- Princeton 4375 US Route 1, Princeton, NJ 08540. For easy directions, we recommend Google Maps

To purchase a ticket to the event: Brown Paper Tickets
To book a room in our event block: Call 1-800-SONESTA and tell them you're with the Kith Reunion

About & Past Events

We are: A private gaming, adult, and social party for our friends--and friends of friends! We are proud of the fact that KnK has a REALLY GREAT mix of these three aspects so that none is more heavily represented than another. Just because we have gaming didn't mean you'll be forced to play (unless that's your thing) and likewise for our kinky playspace and social fun space!

This event was created by a group of close friends who want to see more accessible, safe, and inclusive events that cater to the often overlapping realms of kink and nerddom. Contrary to other events of this type, the hosts actually pay MORE than the attendees. While it sounds counter-intuitive, we want to ensure that our space is financially accessable, and that each of our hosts has a personal stake in keeping the event fun! (This is not a for-profit venture.) This is the primary reason why we are so thankful for those who sprint for the Sponsor level admission. All of that money goes directly to making the event better.

Our first event was held in July 2016, and was a great success, prompting another event. No big surprise, that second event was also a success. Our third event had us switching locations to have a little bit more space, and we are pleased with our new home. Events 4 and 5 have come and gone, meaning that we've been through a full cycle of events and they just keep getting better.

Interested in rules? Great! Those are HERE You can also take a look at our Consent and Harrassment Policies

Okay, if you really need more convincing, take a look at our Schedule: Fancy Responsive Schedule and Game Library


We encourage you to wear whatever makes you comfortable--pjs, regular wear, suits, costumes, cosplay all welcome! A few things to note:

  1. Be comfortable! If you're staying the night, you may want to wear your costume for part of the time, or have an outfit that's casual cosplay.
  2. Our space is small. Please no giant wings, hoop skirts, etc.
  3. Sonesta hotel rooms are like mini-apartments. You will be walking outside a short distance to nearby rooms.
  4. We're trying to get rooms close together and on the 1st floor to make things easiest on all of us. But hotel cannot guarantee. You may need to go up and down stairs. Plan shoes accordingly.

Our Spaces

Social happenings, discussions, demos, board games, role playing games, meet-ups, camaraderie, and more! Have something you're really good at, have presented on, or want to lead? Talk with us and we'll see about a time and space for it!! We can all make this a better day for each other by sharing the best of ourselves.

SOCIAL SPACE - Icebreakers, meet-ups, snacks and beverages, movies, and social hours. Chat with friends, make new friends, and be sure to be here for the mixing of the Gargle Blaster at 9pm!

DISCUSSION SPACE - We'll have several short discussions on our schedule, so come learn from your Hosts and fellow guests on topics they're excited to chat about, then join in the discussion if you feel like it!

GAMING SPACE - Board, card, role playing, and party games! Most take 15 - 45 minutes so that you don't get stuck here all night. But if one is a Long Haul, we'll make sure to mark it as such. ;) Check out this link for a list of what will be there:

PLAY SPACES - Whether you play Harder & Louder or Softer & Sensual, there's plenty of space for you. At your leisure, come use the toys and equipment (and clean-up supplies), and play with your friends and loved ones. Demos, workshops, shares, and teaching also happen in these spaces!

The Hosts will be lending some of our own toys and implements to these areas and gladly accept other evening lending if you have things you'd like to share. If you would like to service top for a bit of time, we'll have space for that as well. Just sign up for service topping in advance so we can list it on the schedule!

We are sex-positive people but not a sex-positive event. No sex in event space, please. Please see the rules, or ask your Host for any clarification.

AFTERCARE SPACE (Brought to you by wonderful donors) - Not just for those who need to cool down and recoup after scenes in the Play Spaces, the Aftercare Space is for anyone in need of a break from all the action and socializing. Includes soft lighting, fuzzy blankets, squishy pillows, and many cuddly plushie friends for all your napbreak needs.

NOTE: Please treat all hotel space and furnishings, games, and items which are not your own as though they are borrowed from a dear friend who would be very sad if you broke them. Because if there are damages? The hosts end up paying the fee. And that may put a damper on us having bigger, better KnK parties--and we *want* to keep having more!! :)